Tag: <span>alpago</span>

Three Weights (Balance body weights)

(leggi l’articolo in italiano) One requirement, to be aware during taijiquan practice, is to assume and maintain a natural body posture in which our body barycenter overlaps the lower dantian More and more often, people approaching taijiquan, have a posture far from that shown in the above image. As well …

Shoulder, elbow, hand

(leggi il post in italiano) This ‘mantra’ echoes during taijiquan lessons. It underlines the movement of upper extremities and it is intended to clarify the right sequence of muscles/joints involved during action. For a beginner, the action seems starting from hand as: The hand performs a wide movement, capturing his/her …

About knee posture

(vai al articolo in italiano) Often I meet,  in real and virtual world, taijiquan practitioners or ex-practitioners complaining about knee pain. During taijiquan practice, maintaining the correct posture of the body both in static positions and during movement stresses our lower limbs. In my mind , the right posture of …

Hand posture: the palm (zhang)

(vai alla versione in italiano) Here is Master Chen Peishan video describing the hand shape; this video was published some time ago on Italy Chen Xiaojia website The palm is maintained with the fingers extended naturally, closed together as if they were attached (they are not). The base of the …

La forma della mano: il palmo (zhang)

Riporto il video del Maestro Chen Peishan che descrive la forma della mano, inserito in un articolo pubblicato tempo fa sul sito della Italy Chen Xiaojia (read the english version) La palma è mantenuta con le dita distese in maniera naturale, vicine come se fossero attaccate, ma in effetti non …